Wealth management

Or do you prefer to delegate the management of your assets to an experienced professional?

Do you not have time to follow the daily trend of the financial markets?

Do you lack the experience to manage your assets effectively?

Then a discretionary asset management mandate is the right solution for you.

You will not have to worry about the choice of securities or financial instruments and will be able to devote your time to your professional activity and interests. Your involvement will be necessary in determining the investment strategy best suited to your needs. The investment strategy will be developed in compliance with your performance objectives and your risk tolerance. Your personal circumstances, your personal investment preferences, your liquidity needs and the time horizon will be taken into consideration.

Our investment process is structured in the following steps


Analysis of studies and research from multiple sources: we mainly use the international economic and financial information provided by independent sources and only secondarily on the “sell-side” information of banks and investment companies.


Determination of our investment policy: we establish our favorite asset classes and periodically review our investment policy.


Definition of the optimal mix of asset classes, markets and currencies.


Implementation of the investment strategy, making investment decisions and executing them.

We are independent in the choice of the financial instruments we use as we have no commercial agreement with third parties (“open architecture”) nor do we have proprietary instruments.


We also love to use individual equities and bonds, allowing for significant savings in terms of commissions contained in investment funds.


We carry out periodic reviews of your position in order to ensure that your assets are managed in compliance with the strategy agreed with you.


We constantly monitor financial markets as well as the evolution of the global political and economic scenario, looking for the most interesting investment opportunities and identifying potential sources of risk.


We regularly inform you of the progress of your management mandate.

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